Season 7

7.08 | It's Going to Be Okay with Mary Clare McGraw

Mary Clare McGraw joins host Meg McKeen for an honest conversation about mental health. MC shares about an early career pivot that allowed her to open her eyes and take an intentional look around - leading to her career in insurance and now, as an aligned entrepreneur. In her work as an operations coach for insurance agencies today, MC knows firsthand how confronting it can be to look at the way you've always done things - and how scary change can be. Our winding path includes conversation about fathers and their entrepreneurial daughters - and how being emotional and highly sensitive can be a gift. 

7.07 | Failure and Freedom with Nicole Corey

Nicole Corey joins host Meg McKeen in this rich conversation about failure, freedom, and the power of choice - and change. As curious travelers, we explore the notion of "home" - and what happens when we find ourselves ready - but maybe not quite - to change direction on our path. We talk about what happens in your work when you make the choice to change in your life - and fumble through our answers to the question "what is enough?"

7.06 | Permission to Re-Decide with Amanda Boleyn

Amanda Boleyn joins host Meg McKeen to reflect on the power of the pause - and pivot - as you build your career and life, and, as a time management expert, Amanda shares her tips and tricks and hacks to help us make the most of the same 24 hours each day that we each have. We love to talk about boundary setting on the podcast and this episode delivers; if you're a people-pleaser or perfectionist, this one's for you!

7.05 | Back to Her Roots with Liz Brock

Liz Brock joins host Meg McKeen to share more about her decision to embrace her silver hair earlier this year. Together they reflect on some of the bogus advice Liz received earlier in her career the led her to start dying her hair - and the learning that has come from making a different choice today. Also on our minds? The (double) standard of beauty in our society - and how changing the color of our hair can create opportunity - not limit it.

7.04 | The Work of Healing with Jenn Urso

Jenn Urso joins host Meg McKeen for a heartfelt conversation about the professional pauses we both took before starting our own businesses, and the lessons learned since then that inform the work Jenn does to support rising leaders in the insurance industry today. Throughout this conversation, we explore the complex relationships we have with money, with self, and with our own relationship with work. 

7.03 | With Age Comes Wisdom with Mercy Komar

Mercy Komar - the Cyber Diva - joins host Meg McKeen to share the wisdom she's gleaned from her more than 40 years working in the insurance industry as a CSR, agency principal, and producer. As this one will show you, Mercy doesn’t shrink in hard conversations and her passion for supporting women, as well as seniors, in the insurance industry is strong and evident in the way she’s showing up in the industry today.