Season 8

8.06 | Dear Mom with Julie McKeen

Host Meg McKeen welcomes her dear mom, Julie McKeen, to the podcast, to share reflections on her own journey through motherhood - and womanhood. Together we talk through the notions of selfishness and self-preservation, the importance of friendship between women, and on the eve of a milestone wedding anniversary, a beautiful reminder that while so much of who we are has already been sorted, we're never done becoming who we are. 

8.05 | Calm and Grounded with Aree Bly

Aree Bly joins host Meg McKeen for real talk - about expectations, and about what happens when you change the rules of the game. We share our experience in unpacking the beliefs we've had about what our personality indicates about our ability. An actuary by training and vocation, Aree is a remarkable thinker and together in this rich and vulnerable conversation, we reframe what it means to be boring, introverted, and we break down the notion of faking it till you make it. Ugh!

8.04 | The Next Version of Me with Megan Bock

Megan Bock joins host Meg McKeen to share more about her experience following a traumatic injury in early 2023. Through the sharing of her story, Megan reminds us that changing the way we're showing up in the world shouldn't have to require a significant life change. Together we talk through the fallacy of multi-tasking, the not always great influence of technology (specifically our phones) on our lives and relationships, and the power in knowing you're replaceable at work.

8.03 | In the Wild with Meg McKeen (Solo Episode)

In this solo episode, host Meg McKeen puts on her sales + leadership coach hat and responds to listener questions, digging deep into topics like career paths, setbacks, and the scary - and heart-filling - world of entrepreneurship. Would you like Meg to answer your question on a future episode of the podcast? Submit it here:

8.02 | On Mentorship with Heather Blevins

Heather Blevins joins host Meg McKeen for a heartfelt conversation about mentorship. We talk about the hesitations we may feel to ask for mentorship - and the boundaries (you know we love 'em) we may need to set when mentoring requires bandwidth we just don't have. Together we chat about the importance of exposure to new perspectives - and roles - in the insurance industry as so many of us take steps to find alignment between our work and lives.

8.01 | On Purpose with Crista Walker

Crista Walker joins host Meg McKeen for a conversation about squishy leadership topics like purpose – who has time for that? – the risk of admitting you have it all but maybe don’t want it all, and bad bosses. May you neither have one nor be one! Crista provides a modern definition of what it means to be a leader today - and some practical ideas for helping us to see ourselves the way others might.