I'm A Hugger. Are You?

My ex-grandfather-in-law - I’ll give you a second to picture that limb on my family tree - gave the best hugs.

They were strong, just like him, and they lasted just a moment longer than I’d expect.

He seemed to hug with his whole self and I’d leave his embrace feeling so cared for and so supported.

Of all the memories I carry with me of him, it’s his hugs that I remember best.

Of course a hug given in a professional setting could leave an unintended impression - and even be construed as inappropriate and crossing boundaries.

Hugs, after all, are something we give, rather than take, and those boundaries are the ones we, as the receiver of the hug, set.

It feels organic to end many of my business meetings with a hug, and I’m working on being better about asking for permission before I lean in.

“I’m a hugger. Are you?”

I’d love to know your thoughts below!
